You've Got Skill
HELLO my marvelous, life-embracing,
fearless friends!
Did you know that you are more than
just a pretty face???
Oh yes, it's true.
Baby, you've got depth, you've got intellect,
you've got that certain, .... oh how you say?
Je ne sais quois
Do you know what that means? It's French for
I don't know what.
Hahaha I love that. But it's true. You've got skills that I don't know about. You've got that certain something that God can use to make this world a better place and more importantly, bring glory to Him. Remember,
1Corinthians 10:31 says
Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do,
do all to the glory of God.
WHATEVER you do, let it bring glory to God. The world will be a more beautiful - loving - FUN place.
So let's help a brother or a sister out by whatever means and resources God has given you.
Are you an encourager? Well, don't hold back.
Is making food for others your thing? Then cook baby.
Is praying and hugging your tender spot? Then hug and pray.
Use your trade, your hobbies, your smile!
Whatever you've got - HE can use!!
Pray about sharpening your skills &
ask for opportunities to use what you got.
Cause Baby,
You Got Skills!!!!!
Love, love to ya
Sorry, no pics again.
I'm such a slacker.
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